Hello, World!

Written by William Wingate on April 29, 2024

About Me

Welcome to my shiny new blog!

First, a little bit about me: My name is Will, and I’m an aspiring full-stack web developer. I’m about 9 months into my journey of learning how to program, and I’m loving (almost) every minute of it!

About this Blog

I plan to use this blog as a place to share my thoughts and discoveries as a burgeoning programmer. There’s an old saying that “we teach best what we need to learn most,” and I’ve found that to be true over and over again in my life. Primarily, this blog is just meant to be a dumping ground for the things I’m learning about. I can’t promise that what I write here will be worth reading, but I can promise that I’ll learn a lot just by writing it.

Thanks for stopping by!